Frequently Asked Questions.
What is Terl?
In a nutshell, we're a technology focused social enterprise that builds products and services that benefit people and the world somehow. Some of our products may be really niche or may be really broad. It doesn't really matter, as long as we're solving a problem that benefits people.
Why start Terl?
Look around at other tech companies these days... There aren't many tech companies with a mission like ours of using tech for good. They may go about helping people and the world in around about ways but none of them have been setup with the sole purpose to do so.
What does "Terl" even mean?
Pronounced t • url, Terl stands for "Tech Relief".
What is a social enterprise?
A social enterprise pursues and makes a profit just like any other business but also continually reinvests their profits back into charitable endeavours, such as non-profits or a community or places where people need help the most. Social enterprises operate just like any other business and are competed with by other businesses. Terl is a social enterprise and helps out in various ways such as advising and helping non-profits with technical assistance, expertise and time.
So basically you're a bunch of do-gooders then?
What's the problem with Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc? Aren't they good enough?
Well, it's not that they are not good enough, it's the fact that they fall short in certain areas. We love Apple's focus on privacy, security, customer experience and design but don't like its closed source nature. We love Google's friendly and intelligent people, usability of its products, its now renewed focus on putting privacy in the hands of users and its free nature but are disappointed with its product turnover rate and its lack of customer service. Microsoft has a long list of criticism but kind-of-maybe getting better. Don't get us started on Facebook, but there seems to be some good.
Look, honestly, we know that for normal everyday people, these things probably don't matter, but as Terl is a tech based social enterprise, we have a duty to learn from the critiques and mistakes of other tech companies and try to avoid those mistakes if we can. This means that our users have peace of mind, knowing that they are interacting with an entity that respects their values.
What types of products do you offer?
Many different products at the moment. The list is ever-changing so check out our homepage for more details.
Where is Terl based?
The amazing city of Leeds, UK, of course! Where else?
Can I invest in Terl?
Yes, for the moment, while we get started, you can! If you agree with our values and want to help change the world then you're in! With that being said, we welcome all types of investors but you must have some record of social investment, even if you've simply invested time. Send us an email at
I would like to join Terl. How can I?
If you want to join Terl as a volunteer then send us an email at